4 Months old

Emma Jane at 4 months old.
Has rolled over twice this past week!
Was also sick for the first time, she threw up ALL day Monday and some of Tuesday, slept great those nights, poor thing. I knew when she was going to throw up so i caught it with a bowl. We went to the doctor because before she started throwing up she was refusing to take the bottle. So the doctor switched our formula and gave us some medic an for reflex....the medican is NASTY i tasted it because Emma was making some funny faces. She one would spit most of it out and then like 3 mins later would throw up so i only gave that to her 3 times, She is doing alot better but still wants nothing to do with the bottle. So back to the doctor to cause she had to get shots....of course its the saddest thing ever, So doctor changed the formula AGAIN, gahhh lets hope she likes it and will take it.
Miss Emma is weighing in at 13.6 pounds and 24 1/2 inches. How did my baby get so big.
She does not like rice cereal on the spoon but she likes it in the bottle. Doctor said she could start some puree so i got some bananas. We shall see how this goes!
She still loves to sand and sit. Doctor was very impressed that she can almost sit on her own!! She also has learned where her feet are and grabs, cutest thing ever. 

 She things she is a tough cookie 
Sitting at the Doctor

She is just so cute!
Church Christmas Party
My little raindeer
Santa Baby

Well i hope every one has a MERRY CHRISTMAS,
When we are in AZ we will be taking a family photo in our ugly sweaters so be prepared for some laughs!!

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