30 weeks

10 more weeks!!!!
Had a doctors appointment today, went good, Emma's heart rate is about 157. Doctor says i'm doing really good. My iron pills make me sick to my stomach,that i really throw up...not good!! So I asked if I could cut them in half but i guess my red blood cell count when they took my blood a few weeks ago was 11, so he told me half in the morning half at night.Next appointment is in 3 weeks. We started our birthing class this week, It's not all breathing but some. We will get to tour the hospital and i got a huge book full of info on breastfeeding and postpartum stuff, I'm really glad i signed up for it. I think it's fun to learn. My brain is like a sponge right now. And i'm so glad Jared wants to go with me.

This past week has been tough! I have the HARDEST time sleeping. I'm too hot or too cold, my sides hurt my back hurts, little em is moving, i have to pee, GAAAHHHHH! I just want to sleep!! I sleep with like a million pillows too. I'm still working out which does give me alot of energy in the morning so 9 pm comes around and i am tired, i fall asleep for a bit but then...AWAKE! Along with not sleeping my regular clothes are getting to short and too tight, i had a break down today so it's off to get me a few things. Sitting for a long time is also very uncomfortable. Swimming helps ALOT with swelling, and cause well it's Texas HOT and HUMID! Not fun, Jared's ac went out in the truck so we go swimming at least 2-3 times a week.

Baby Emma is.....
15.2- to 16.7-inch, 2.5- to 3.8-pound baby continues to grow. She kicks and punches and rolls. We did a test drive to the hospital just to see, it takes us on a good day (no traffic) 7-10 minutes. Not bad.
Her skin is getting smoother.
But her brain is getting wrinklier -- to make way for all that essential brain tissue.
She is now strong enough to grasp a finger!  Awwh!

Oh also this week Jared and I were taking the trash out and we just have like 1 compacter machine for the whole building so its gross but....someone was throwing away a BRAND NEW dresser!!! So of course we took it. It's not the colors we want so I have been working on sanding down everything to paint it.Which is a pain in the butt!! But it is going to look so good when i'm done I took before pictures so they will be up soon. We move on the 14th!!! Way excited, already started asking around for boxes. Our ward is throwing me and my friend Nicole, (due a day after me) a baby shower at the end of July. =] So even more exciting!! 

Sorry there is no pictures this week, I feel huge so you have to wait tell next week. Maybe by then i'll be done with a project and have TONS of pictures! Hope you all have a wonderful week.

1 comment:

  1. I had to take iron pills while I was pregnant but I took slow fe which is a slow release iron that is suppose to make you less sick. You should ask your dr about it.
