21 Weeks 4 day.

Well this past week has not been very fun, My allergies are kickin my butt!! We went and got a humidifier it has help, along with some Claritin. FUN FACT: Did you know that if you use a humidifier for a baby it needs to be cool mist. So that is the one we got, that way if little girl needs it we have it. When Jared was in Colorado i was able to get out of the apartment and do some window shopping. I wanted a new skirt but they are all super short. not my style. On Wednesday Night i had to pick up Jared from the airport...I was totally fine tell i had a stinkin detour!! Think goodness there were detour signs cause my phone was dying and Jared had the tom tom. I made it there safely just at the wrong gate. I was so so happy that Jared was home and safe! He learned alot and is now a Hunter Douglas Certified Installer! If you need some blinds just call us!! hehe
Little Emma, has been moving so much. She makes it so uncomfortable to sit and sleep sometimes. Sleep is not an easy thing for me right now. I am always so hot at night and for some reason little girl likes to kick me and do acrobats in me as soon as i lay down! Not fun. Not to mention with my allergies i have to get up and blow my nose. And i'm now getting up two times to use the bathroom in the mid of the night.....
I was able to get my wooden blocks done this week they are super cute. I painted them red, coral and added scrapbook paper which is yellow with polka dots...super uper cute!
It's hard to see in the picture but the polka dots on the letters match the colors PERFECTLY! 

Little Emma is the size of a......
Holy cow!! I think she might be a bit bigger than this though.
At 10.5 inches and about 12.2 ounces

As her digestive system preps for the outside world, she's manufacturing meconium -- the tarry black substance we will find in her first dirty diaper...ew!
 she's already got a lifetime's supply of eggs in her womb -- about six million of them...WOW

How far along? 21weeks 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: lets just say, I've got alot of baby bump!
Maternity clothes? Still able to fit into my jeans and tops. I few things though don't zip up =[
Stretch marks? I use coco butter EVERYDAY.
Sleep: Ugh, not so good.
Best moment this week: Getting my hubby back!
Miss Anything? This week no.
Movement: Like CRAZY,Jared feels her alot now =]
Food cravings: Sweet sweet sweet!! and COLD I did good last night, I had fresh strawberry's dipped in yogurt.  Then i made Jared some chocolate covered ones, i had a few. My new drink of choice is Sonic's lemon berry slush...OMG it's so yummy!
Anything making you queasy or sick: chicken still doesn't sound good, unless were eating out. so weird!
Have you started to show yet: YES!!
Gender: girl girl girl
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: h
appy, or super emotional...
Looking forward to: Were going to Mesa for a good friends weeding next week!!!

Here is the bump!
I feel like it grows a little everyday.
I don't have swollen legs/feet. They have always been beefy.
When we were at Target a lady and me kinda bumped into each other, of course i said sorry she said no no it's okay, Lady with a baby!! It makes me feel good to know that i really do look pregnant!!

I hope you all have a WONDERFUL week.

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