Recap before our trip: Emma got sick for the first time. Sad. She got a nasty cough and a runny nose. She was miserable. Saturday night the 20th she woke up every 2 hours...One tired baby girl and one tired Mommy. So Jared and I took turns on going to church. He went for the first hour and i went for the other 2 for my calling. I now teach the CTR 4 class. She was just so sick on Sunday that at 8 o' clock on the dot i called the doctor and we went in 45 mins later. She had to get a breathing treatment and also the Doctor put her on some medication. The medic en DID NOT work for Emma, i gave it to her and within 5 seconds she threw up. So i stopped that and got some Hylands Baby cough, amazing along with Tylenol at night. She was doing like 50% better by Wednesday.
 We left Wednesday evening.  We got to the airport in time went through security and everything and had about 30 mins to hang out. I feed Emma during take off and landing (when she is awake) the past 3-4 times we have flown with her she is such a rock-star, this trip...not so much. After she finished her bottle and fell asleep  i burped her and she threw up on Jared, myself, herself, and the floor. Everyone around us was so nice giving us napkins and bags. I had to strip her down and i am so glad i put an extra pair of PJs i the diaper bag! We stayed with Jared's family Ryan and Kim and there lovely kids. When we landed you would have never guessed this kid has been sick. The dry air must have really helped!
Our trip was awesome! We saw my parents, my siblings, my aunt, some of Jared's family, friends. We even got to go to the cemetery to see my grandma and grandpa.
We went to Arizona because my brother got married to the most perfect person for him and the girls. It was a beautiful wedding and such fun. They had a photo booth and everything!
 Me and my sister Ariel
 LOVE Emmas face in this one
 Grandpa letting Emma play with his Iphone
 Kyle and Emma
 My Beautiful grandma is now with my grandpa
Happy Birthday Grandma. I love you. 
Wearing Uncle D's hat.

We flew home Sunday after noon. Emma was just so tired and just ready to be home she cried on the plane for umm an hour. I never knew crying would be so stressful! We are so glad to be home. and so glad for the memories we have from our Arizona trip. Can't wait to go back! We miss everyone already.

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