10 months

Ahh 2 more months and my baby will be a year old. Were does the time go. I feel like just a week ago she was in newborn diapers and newborn clothes! She is now in size 3 diapers and still 3-6 month bottoms and 12 month onesies! She is just so long!
Emma Jane loves to dance
She loves bath time, the second the water comes on she crawls so fast to the tub.
She can also give kisses and click her tongue! 
She loves to eat!! (happy mommy)
She doesn't like the word "no"
Loves to talk and be loud
Loves standing up on her own and now will let go and just stand there!
She has a problem with textured food.
LOVES water!
LOVES swimming! 
Doesn't like when we say prayers (she cries and yells)
She loves climbing over people
for some odd reason she LOVES feet which also includes shoes and socks
She likes to "try" to feed herself 
She is a daddy's girl, when Jared gets home she crawls to him and smiles and talks away, by far the cutest thing.
She doesn't like nap time.
She is down to 3 maybe 4 bottles a day!!
Loves being in the kitchen with me.
She has 2 1/2 teeth. 2 are coming in now
Her favorite words to say: WOW, Mama, Baba and sometimes Dada. 

 Baby Plank
 Emma chews on spider-man and batman not Sophie the giraffe 
 Splash time
 So comfy
 She woke up with half her shirt on (not the best picture)
 Showing me what she got
 Sweet Joy
Thinking she is sneaky

Jared's business is growing so fast. We had to hire another person to help with the overload of work we have. Which has helped so much! Jared was working 12-13 hour days. We are still moving in July to Irving and are so excited to be in a bigger place. We are renting a town home and will have a full size garage! That's the best part! Well and Jared will be closer to his jobs.
This summer has been way better than last 
1. i have a vehicle 
2. i'm not as scared to go to the pool this year
3. i'm not pregnant 
4. I have the best daughter ever
5. we have Netflix
Not only do they have happy hour during the day they have HALF PRICED milk shakes after 8!!! We are a little obsessed with it. We can get 2 small shakes for less than 3 bucks!! And Oh man they are good. 
p.s. Chocolate covered strawberries is the one to get.

Some of you know this but i'm so proud to say it on my blog;; I Amanda Watson have lost 13 pounds! Being pregnant and your clothes not fitting you is one thing but when your baby is coming up on a year and your clothes aren't fitting is totally different! I have been working out every morning (5 days on 2 off) and i just feel so much better about myself! My clothes fit and i need new pants!

Well that is all i got for now friends. Remember to follow me on Instagram;;amaewatson

1 comment:

  1. You are adorable! haha and so is that little girl of yours. It is crazy how fast time flies! And a little sad. But it just gets better and better with these little kiddos!
    Glad things are going good :)
