34 Weeks

Only 6 weeks left!!
I'm still hoping she comes sooner though.
This week at the Watson house....
We finally moved into a 2 bedroom! Ahhh breathing room. We got our keys at 3 on Friday, packed up the truck and started, but man it is hot here so we only did like 2 trips. We only moved apartment buildings so there was no point of getting a U-haul. On Saturday we woke up bring and early (7am) and got started we had some help. Jared needed help with the super heavy stiff, dressers, beds, couch....We worked on that tell about 9 then took a break to go to a baptism, The spirit was definitely there! p.s. i LOVE our ward. It's totally different than Arizona. Anyways...We got home and went back to work. I could not really do anything. One, it was FLIPPIN HOT two, i get Braxton hicks ALOT, three it was HOT! We finally finished and turned in our old keys by 5.
It was so nice to be done moving things over. Now almost a week later i have almost everything unpacked, Go me! Our new place doesn't have a built in book shelf like our old place so i have a few boxes that i just cant unpack yet. We will be making a trip to Ikea soon!!
Sunday we went over to a friends house for dinner which was so nice, who wants to cook right after a move! We had fun and a yummy breakfast dinner Mmmmm!
This week in our birthing class we talked about C-sections, watched a video on it talked...I really hope I don't have to have one, but whatever is best for baby and me i will do. Only one more class to go to and its on breastfeeding, very excited, we have been to a different class on this but it was like 30 mins. So i'm glad this one is longer.
Back to the apartment, We did our walk through papers....We found out that we didn't have power on a wall, the wall that we plug a lamp in, so maintenance guys came with our washer and dryer and to check out the wall. They were kind of short on time so they said they would come back the next day for the power, no big deal. That night/morning 4am all of the sudden i wake up cause the light is on, I wake Jared he goes and checks makes sure no one is inside. Well Jared was like this lamp light is on...so then we were really freaked out. but we knew no one was in the apartment all doors were double lock. So we went back to bed. When we woke up we checked all the other plugs, they ALL worked! Man on man what a crazy crazy thing. Now i'm so jumpy about every little thing.
Emma is the size of a....
Butternut squash.
She weighs in at about 4.2 pounds to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches
Baby at 34 weeks...
Is recognizing and reacting to simple songs, they say she may find them soothing after birth.
She's also urinating about a pint a day...

She is so active, it kills me sometimes. It looks like sometimes like my stomach is doing the wave. haha. She keeps me up at night. not like i can sleep anyways. I am just so uncomfortable! I'm either to hot or to cold! Mainly too hot. We sleep with the ceiling fan on and then a floor fan that sits on the dresser with the a/c and no blankets. Man i hope that goes away after the little one is here.Next week i have my doctors appointment I have to get MORE blood drawn so not looking forward to that and he will check my cervix and test for strep b. Fun, i think NOT! I've said this before but this i think is how Emma feels....
Hahahahaha. I love it.
Also this week i found a sweet blog with a how to on 3-d letters. and SUPER cheap too. Its made out of a cereal box! Here is the start of it.
I'll post another picture when it's all done.
Here is the bump picture

I hope you all have a wonderful week. Remember i update every Thursday!
There will soon be some pictures of little M&Ms room!!
This is a weed. Just thought i would share.


1 comment:

  1. C-section is definitely not ideal, but if it comes to that, I promise it isn't that bad. I would highly recommend going to a la leche meeting before she makes her appearance. I went to them after, but man do I wish I had gone to them before!
