27 weeks

This past week has been very relaxing! On Memorial day we had a church activity at the softball fields. Jared played a few games (and got sun burned) I hung around the food, and friends, hehe. It was so nice though to get out of the apartment and hang out with friends. Later that night we went to our friends house for dinner. Super fun and yummy, Carne Asada Tacos with beans and….Hot Dogs wrapped in….BACCON!! There were some of our other friends there which was nice just talking about everything, It was a good time, good laughs!
Jared and I finally took the stroller out of the box and put it together. We have had it in the box since February! It was like Christmas. I got both my diaper bags this week!! My sister Krystle ordered me a custom one which is super cute, and I just ordered one online. Two is ALWAYS better than one! Oh I haven’t gotten a call on my glucose test, So I guess I don’t have to go back for a THREE hour test! Thank goodness!!  The drink was so dang sweet my belly hurt after. Then the nurse didn’t get the needle in right so I had to get poked twice  =[ Oh how it was a horrible day. I do not like needles AT ALL! 

I made this cute little thing for a good friend so i just had to make our little Emma one. I put jingle bells in it to so it makes noise.

Little Emma is the size of a....

 At 13.6 to 14.8 inches and 1.5 to 2.5 pounds, she's not just getting bigger, she's getting smarter.
She's practicing inhaling and exhaling with her rapidly developing lungs.
It's official: Baby's showing brain activity! And her brain will keep on getting more complex.

How far along? 27 weeks
Maternity clothes? Need to get some!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping…what is that? I wake up all the time cause baby is moving or I have to pee.
Best moment this week: Baby has had hiccups!
Miss Anything? Not fitting into my regular clothes

 Movement: EVERY DAY!
Food cravings: Anything cold, like otter pops!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week.
Have you started to show yet: Yes but still small for 27 weeks.
Gender? Girl

Labor Signs: I don’t think so…
Belly Button in or out? In for now
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy. Minus this heat with humidity!!
Looking forward to: getting some things done for Emma’s room.

I finished "my sisters keeper". Which was a really really good book. We rented the movie....HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT!! This week im gonna read "Tuesday with Morrie" one of my sisters favorite books. and there is no movie to follow so i'm happy about that.

Hope you all have a wonderful wonderful week!

1 comment:

  1. I know the book is so amazing and the movie is so disappointing!!!
